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Edit Request

How to: Request an Edit

How to...

How to get an edit:

1. DM me and say "I would like an edit" (doesn’t have to be in that form, something like that)

2. I would ask what you want and you have the choices from what I said to pick unless you want me to do something complete new.

3. We will talk about how the edit should be and etc.

4. I will give you the email to send me your picture(s)

5. I will tell you the price of your edit and you HAVE to pay me first before I start on your edit. (There are a lot of scammers out there and I'm not trying to be the next victim)

!!! ALERT !!! If you don’t have the credits the same time you asked for an edit, I will push your request to the side until you have the money, then we can talk about business.


6. Once you pay me, I will get started on your edit.

*NOTE (Depends on what the edit is), it will take me either the same day you told me your request or the day after. It shouldn’t take me a longer than two days to do your edit unless I have real life circumstances, but of course I will tell you what is going on in real life so don’t sweat!*

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